As part of their role, Occupational Therapists complete a variety of assessments for people of all ages, which help form the basis of ongoing therapeutic intervention, and can also support with evidencing the level of funded supports a person would require from their NDIS plan.
Our mobile, community based Occupational Therapists undertake Functional Capacity Assessments (FCA’s). A FCA is an assessment to determine an individual’s current level of functioning, their needs and what supports are required.
How long will a FCA take?
Each FCA is different depending on the client, purpose, location, etc. Typically, FCA will take a therapist 15-20 hours to complete.
Who requires a FCA?
A FCA may be required by anyone where their function needs assessing to determine what level of support and/or aids are required to help them participate in activities that they want to do, or they need to do. NDIS participants may require a FCA to assess and document what funding is required.
What does a FCA involve?
There are generally three parts to a FCA. First, our therapist will sit down with you and/or the participant to gather information about medical history, ability to engage in activities, the social context and supports are currently in place. A therapist may also contact other carers or professionals involved to find out more information. Secondly, the therapist will complete a couple of standardised assessments to gather further in-depth information and to determine an individual’s baseline. Finally, a therapist will complete an observation of the participant engaging in an occupation (such as making a light meal, mobilising around home, or doing some cleaning). The therapist will then spend time writing a detailed report, outlining the discussions, assessment results, clinical opinion, and recommendations for support and/or aids.
A Full Developmental OT Assessment includes assessment of a child’s self-care, fine motor, gross motor, cognitive skills, and sensory processing. This may be used to support NDIS funding application, to support diagnosis/investigation, assist in classroom strategies, and referrals to other health professionals such as paediatricians, Speech Pathologists, Psychologists, and other allied health professionals.
How long will an OT developmental Assessment take?
5-8 hours depending on the age of the child. This report will give an overview of the child’s development.
What will an OT Developmental Assessment Involve?
Generally, an assessment will begin with a parent or child interview (or a combination of both) including questions around early years, and birth developmental history. It may include a range of formal and informal assessments at the digression of the Therapist in liaison with the family and based on the needs/age of the child having the assessment. The assessment process may take place over a few hour sessions. A report will then be completed which can take two-four weeks depending on therapist availability, purpose of report, complexity of client, and so on. The therapist will communicate with family how long till they can expect the report.
Our Occupational Therapists are able to complete a Sensory Profile Assessment to determine an individual’s sensory processing and possible strategies to further support an individual in this area.
How long will a Sensory Profile Assessment take?
Each assessment is different depending on the client, purpose, location, etc. Typically, a sensory profile assessment will take 2-5 hours to complete.
Who requires a Sensory Profile Assessment?
If you believe you, your child, or your student is experiencing sensory processing challenges then a consult with an Occupational Therapist is recommended to determine if a Sensory Profile is necessary.
What does a Sensory Profile Assessment involve?
Our therapist will complete a standardised assessment with the individual or the individuals caregiver to better understand the participants Sensory Profile. A therapist may also observe the participant to gather more information. The therapist will then write a detailed report documenting the results along with potential recommendations.
Fine and gross motor skills are critical for engaging in daily life activities at home, school, and the community. Our therapists are trained in assessing a child’s fine and gross motor skills and providing intervention/recommendations where necessary.
How long will a find and gross motor assessment take?
Up to 5 hours, depending on a participant’s location, skills, location etc.
What will a Fine and Gross Motor Assessment Involve?
Our therapist will gather some information from you about your child’s current find and gross motor skills via an interview. The therapist will then complete a standardised assessment to gather further in-depth information. Once completed, the therapist may talk to other careers or professionals involved. A report will the be completed with recommendations provided as necessary (e.g., classroom considerations).
Our therapists are able to assess for assistive technology (AT) and report under the NDIS system.
How long will an AT assessment take and what does it involve?
Each assessment is different depending on the client, purpose, location, etc. Initial assessments are approximately 2 hours in duration. If necessary, an equipment trial may be required which can take up to an hour. Reports can take up to 5 hours, depending on the type of AT that is being recommended. A therapist may also complete follow up work or complete a review.